Perfect Betta (Decorative Fin)
Perfect Betta (Decorative Fin)
These gorgeous Betta are by far the best I’ve ever had the privilege of working with. A big mix of various breeds, I’ve separated out the fancier more decorative ones for this listing, as there is a lot of variation across the batch.
This listing is for the best quality and largest specimens from the batch, and only 20 specimens made the cut. I’ll be adding a listing for the less decorative/lower quality specimens eventually.
Decorative Betta like this are INCREDIBLY fragile, and a lot of care has gone into keeping this in the best possible shape. Completely removing the scales was an absolute nightmare, and while I’ve done my best to remove them, some may have made it into the vials. Any loose scales will sink to the bottom over time, but they can easily be removed with tweezers or a pin. They’re much easier to see once jarred up compared to on a tray haha.