Lucky Dip!
Lucky Dip!
Been a hot minute since we last did a lucky dip! This one has a huge variety of specimens, I’ll list in as much detail as I can below :) Please note that images are a small example of whats in there.
As with all lucky dips, the specimens are picked out at random. They are all pre-wrapped, mixed up, boxed up, and blind selected when packing orders!
Ok, so there are 315 specimens in total in this mixed batch! The specimens are all from mixed up boxes that I hadn’t gotten around to sorting out yet, or had mixed up on my own for whatever reason. Plus a handful of ‘imperfect’ specimens that either had some damage or didn’t quite hit my standard, but were far too good to not jar up!
We’ll start with the imperfect/damaged ones:
22 x small cane toads - these ones are damn near perfect in terms of their clearing and staining, but had damage such as broken bones or missing an arm/leg/hand.
3 x large cane toads - broken bones or missing an arm or leg.
15 x pinky mice - these were from an experiment where I was testing to see if I could get the blue cartilage stain to penetrate through the skin. The stain wasn’t super consistent, but was mostly present in the intercostal cartilage of the ribs. Beautiful specimens regardless, but not quite perfect.
3 x juvi rats - broken bones/missing a few bits, but otherwise perfect.
1 x chick - perfect stain but broken pelvis and wing bones
And for the perfect ones:
48 x mixed colour diaphonised octopus tentacles - a box of 4 different coloured tentacles that got mixed up and I couldn’t be bothered sorting back out haha.
125 x mixed small tropical fish species - a HUGE variety here, but a lot of incredible armoured catfish species (eg plecostamus, corydora, and ottocinclus), a handful of decorative betta, some fancy molly species, a heap of small cichlid species, clown loach, rainbow shark, and many more.
90 x mixed large tropical freshwater and saltwater fish species - again a huge mix of species here, some crossover with the smaller tropical fish species but also some gorgeous mixed saltwater and brackish fish.
8 x mixed goldfish species
As always, no picksies! All of the treasures in the lucky dip should have standalone listings for very similar specimens.